Please Share Your Thoughts on “Sinatra in the Sky"(All Responses are Anonymous) Which night did you attend? * Friday Saturday On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your overall experience at "Sinatra in the Sky"? (1 = Very Dissatisfied <---> 5 = Very Satisfied) 1 2 3 4 5 What aspects of the event did you enjoy the most? (Please select all that apply) * Wayne Anthony's performance and the jazz ensemble The unique and curated food and drink offerings The atmosphere and ambiance of the venue The opportunity to dress up and enjoy a special evening out The overall sense of nostalgia and the homage to Frank Sinatra's era The pictures I was able to take Other (Please elaborate in last question) If you ordered an entree, what did you think of the food? * How was the service? * (1 = Very Dissatisfied <---> 5 = Very Satisfied) Please make any additional comments in last question. 1 2 3 4 5 Would you be interested in attending our future events? * (Select one) Yes, definitely Maybe, I'd consider it No, I'm not interested in future events Would you be interested in attending future events if they were not on the 50th floor of the IDS Center? (If "Maybe" or "No," please feel free to elaborate in final question) Yes, definitely Maybe, I'd consider it No, I wouldn't be interested You mean so much to us & we want all of our guests to feel like family. What can we do better? * Thank you!